Why Won’t My Child Repeat What I say?
This is a common question that many parents have asked me in the past. My biggest suggestion and comment when asked this question is, will your child imitate you during play? Prior to your child...
Read MoreThis is a common question that many parents have asked me in the past. My biggest suggestion and comment when asked this question is, will your child imitate you during play? Prior to your child...
Read MoreDos estrategias efectivas de literatura para la comunicación emergente son las de los que contienen línea repetidas y el método de la línea predecible. Se encuentran líneas repetidas en muchas canciones infantiles y libros infantiles....
Read MoreSí y no son dos palabras que usamos para rechazar, solicitar, reparar y mejorar la comunicación. En términos de que los niños adquieran estas palabras, las investigaciones señalan que expresar “no” ocurre antes que “sí”,...
Read MoreOnline learning has completely taken over the world. Learning is currently happening in the comfort of your own home, rather than the four walls of a classroom. Parents have now become private tutors and children...
Read MoreRebecca chats live with Nicole Ponica SLP, from talktomewithaac discusses best practices for AAC use at home and during tele-therapy. https://www.talktomewithaac.com/Full recap is here:
Read MoreHappy Better Hearing and Speech Month. Our job as SLPs is to spread awareness of signs and symptoms of a speech and/or language disorder to the community. May is #BHSM coinciding with our mandatory stay...
Read More*read to me // + video Literacy development results in advancement of our reading, writing speaking and listening abilities. We use literature, in teaching to take concepts from literature and apply them to real life....
Read MoreInferencing through videos is a way to bring to life, social situations and experiences with characters and/or actors who solve problems and break down the “why” in others behaviors and actions. Inferencing is the way...
Read MoreModelado y Estimulación del Lenguaje Asistido en el Mundo AAC Estimulación de lenguaje asistido, a lo largo, es una manera de apoyar a un usuario de AAC y animarlo a utilizar su nuevo dispositivo. La...
Read MoreTwo effective literacy strategies for emerging communication are the repeated line and predictable line method. Repeated lines are found in many children’s songs and children’s books. A repeated line is a line or phrase that...
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