Detecting Childhood of Apraxia requires a comprehensive case evaluation. One of the assessment tools we use is the, “CAS Red Flag Checklist”. Some of the items on the checklist include looking to see if the child:
- Limited vocalizations with few speech-like sounds
- Minimal or no babbling before 1 year
- Child’s first word appears after 1 year
- Difficulty with feeding
- Limited intonation in speech
- Ghost Words, which are words appear then disappear
In addition to the “CAS Red Flag Checklist”, we also use a variety of standardized and dynamic assessments. Our practice specializes in Childhood Apraxia of Speech and we see children all across New York City with mild to severe childhood apraxia of speech.
If you see these or are concerned about your child’s speech development, please send us an email so we can set up a comprehensive evaluation for your child.
This resource is from Overby & Caspari, 2015; Overby, Caspari, & Schrieber, in review on