Get to Know Us
Speech in The City is a licensed and professional pediatric speech therapy and feeding therapy practice in New York City. Speech in The City provides speech and language therapy for brain-based disorders, childhood apraxia of speech, orofacial myology disorders, feeding disorders, and more! We provide private speech therapy, school trainings, direct-training to student clinicians, and parent coaching. Follow along with us @speechinthecityLLC

Rebecca Taskin M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD, ATP, is a licensed pediatric speech and language pathologist with a background in neuroscience. She launched Speech in The City in 2019 and since then the practice has since grown into a multi-clinician clinic. Her research has focused on attention, memory, and cognition and she has contributed to several academic papers on these topics. Rebecca is a certified member of ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) and holds a New York State TSSLD license (Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities).
Rebecca is certified in PROMPT therapy as a motor planning interventions such as DTTC and ResT for children with apraxia and speech-sound disorders, and has worked with children with a wide variety of diagnoses, including Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Angelman’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome, Pallister-Killian Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Infantile Strokes and Seizures, Dandy-Walker Syndrome, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, and various genetic disorders.
Rebecca is a trained responsive feeding therapist and a SolidStarts Pro in NYC. She and has taken courses from the renowned Debra Beckman and Diane Bahr, on treatment techniques in feeding and swallowing disorders. She works with babies and young adults who have different types of swallowing disorders, from sensory impairments to motor disorders. She assess, treats, and manages different types of dysphagia, collaborating with nutritionists, physicians, and parents to work towards meaningful outcomes. Rebecca has been the lead therapist on several g-tube and ng-tube weans. Rebecca is trained in several methods for responsive feeding therapy as well as sensory feeding therapy including Nina Johanson’s AEIOU and SOS Approach to Feeding.
Rebecca has studied alongside Dr. Susan Langmore at Boston College and is certified in Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) treatment. She is trained in the treatment of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders for speech and swallowing by the IAOM (tongue tie, lip tie, buccal tie, thumb sucking, tongue thrust, etc.). Rebecca is currently working on a dual certification COM/QOM in orofacial myology under the IAOM with a Qualification in Orofacial Myology (QOM).
Rebecca’s internship and fellowship years were spent at a pediatric school for children ages 5 -21 with severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI). There, she worked with many types of feeding and oral motor disorders. Her clients have a variety of brain-based language and communication disorders including apraxia, dyslexia, stuttering, cerebral palsy, aphasia, and different genetic & seizure disorders. During her internship years, Rebecca spent time at the Downtown Brooklyn Speech and Hearing Clinic, where she studied articulation and fluency disorders. She has taken courses from Pam Marshalla, a thought leader for years in the treatment of articulation and sound disorder. Rebecca has a literacy background, and has taken Wilson Reading Fundations.
Rebecca is a licensed Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) and specializes in AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and has taken several courses and seminars from leaders in the space including Dr. Caroline Musselwhite and Linda Burkhardt. She has extensive experience with PRC and Tobii Dynavox Products, as well as various related software. She evaluates, assesses, and treats children and young adults who use assistive technology, including evaluations and trials for switch site and device access, and treatment plans for use with high-and-low-tech speech generating devices (SGD). She has developed and implemented treatment with tangible symbols for children with visual impairments including blindness and CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment). Currently, Rebecca is back in school working on her TVI (Teacher for Visually Impaired) license from Hunter college.
Rebecca is DIRFloortime trained as well as trained in a variety of holistic treatment methods and dynamic models, such as Rhythmic Movement Therapy (Level 1) and speech therapy in the pool on which she has presented on and implemented programs for children in New York City. Rebecca is trained in the Natural Language Acquisition framework for gestalt language processors. Rebecca is a tinkerer and has developed adapted toys and equipment for children and young adults with movement disorders.
In her free time, Rebecca volunteers with adults with developmental disabilities, working with them to develop skills to increase independence in ADL (Activities of Daily Living). She serves as the chair of the Early Intervention and Pediatric Dysphagia Panel for NYSSLHA (New York State Speech Language Hearing Association). She is a mom and has a little boy, Jude who she shares on her instagram @rebtaskslp

Alexandra M.S CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a certified speech and language pathologist with a certificate of clinical competence (CCC) from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), and holds a New York
State TSSLD License (teacher of students with speech and language disabilities). After graduating with her Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders from The University of Maryland,
Alexandra received her masters degree in Communication Disorders from Teachers College, Columbia University. Alexandra’s internship and fellowship years were spent working with people aged 0-21 in a variety of
settings including schools and hospitals. Alexandra finished her clinical fellowship at Montefiore, Child Revaluation and Rehabilitation Center with children aged 0-16 with a wide variety of diagnoses phonological and articulation disorders, motor speech disorders (childhood apraxia of speech), feeding disorders, expressive and receptive language impairment, social communication disorder, William’s Syndrome, Smith-Magenis Syndrome and Autism Spectrum disorder.
Alexandra is working toward becoming DTTC and PROMPT trained as a motor planning intervention for children with speech-sound disorders, as well as being trained in methods of supporting language development for children with Gestalt Language Processing. She has experience using evidenced based practices including the Social Thinking Curriculum, Early Start Denver Model, and SOS Approach to feeding. She enjoys taking continuing education courses to further her knowledge on speech sound disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Social Thinking. Alexandra implements a play-based, child-led approach in her treatment sessions and enjoys collaborating with families and other professionals to provide individualized therapy for each child.

Deborah M.A., CCC-SLP, TSSLD, is a licensed speech and language pathologist with 10 years of experience working with both children and adults with speech, language, communication, feeding, and cognitive disorders. Throughout her career she has worked in schools, clinics, homecare, skilled nursing facilities, and she is currently an adjunct professor at St. John’s University. Deborah is a certified member of ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) and holds a New York State TSSLD license (Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities). She received her Bachelors of Arts in Communication Sciences & Disorders and Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology both from St. John’s University. Throughout her career, she gained invaluable clinical practice in both academic and healthcare settings. Deborah has a special interest in preschool speech and language disorders.
Deborah is DTTC and PROMPT trained and working towards her certification in the application of PROMPT. She has experience with adult and pediatric populations in the areas of expressive and receptive language delays and disorders, processing disorders, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), articulation and phonological disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), aphasia, cognitive communication disorders, and dysphagia.
Deborah is the author and illustrator of the speech therapy coloring book series,Color in Speech. When she’s not doing therapy, Deborah and co host Maria Kotsonis have a weekly Speech Therapy podcast on iTunes and Spotify called SLPs Wine and Cheese. If you’d like to see Deborah’s sessions in action, she posts daily videos to her Instagram account @deborahbrooksslp. Deborah is passionate about all things SPEECH and she’s thrilled to be part of the team at Speech in the City.

Bridget M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a New York State and Pennsylvania State certified speech- language pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) granted by the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). She holds a New York State Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). Bridget obtained a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Science in Communication Disorders from Mercy College. Bridget has experience providing speech and language services for children exhibiting receptive/expressive language disorders, language delays, articulation and phonological disorders, motor speech disorders, Childhood Apraxia of Speech, pragmatic language disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome and children with various degrees of speech and language needs.
Early in Bridget’s career, she worked in an elementary school for the New York City Department of Education (DOE) providing speech and language services to Pre-K to 5 th grade students. Following her time at the DOE, she worked in an early intervention setting in Pennsylvania providing services to children ages birth to 5 years old in special education classrooms, daycares, home and via outclient sessions. Bridget recently moved back to NYC and is excited to continue working with the pediatric population. She enjoys child-led play and strives to keep sessions fun and engaging for both children and families to promote easy carryover and generalization. She believes in a total communication approach incorporating visuals, picture cards, low and high tech communication devices, core picture boards and basic sign language into therapy sessions. Bridget is DTTC and PROMPT trained and is working toward her certification in the application of PROMPT. She has training in Natural Language Acquisition and Gestalt Language Processors. In addition, she has completed the SolidStarts’ Starting Solids Foundation training to assist families in successfully introducing solid food to babies. She also is a beginner in American Sign Language and incorporates sign language during her sessions.

Ilyssa M.A. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a certified speech and language pathologist with a certificate of clinical competence (CCC) from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), and holds a New York State TSSLD License (teacher of students with speech and language disabilities). After graduating with her Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders from SUNY Buffalo, Ilyssa received a scholarship from the New York City Department of Education to pursue her masters degree in Communication Disorders from Mercy College.
Ilyssa has experience working with people aged 3-21 in a variety of settings including schools, private practices, and hospitals. Ilyssa currently works for the NYC DOE with students aged 4-11 with autism spectrum disorder, phonological and articulation disorders, motor speech disorders, and is proficient in helping her students use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Ilyssa has a strong interest in motor speech disorders and is PROMPT trained. She keeps speech fun and engaging by using play-based therapy in order to learn about her student’s likes and dislikes, and builds meaningful connections with both the students and their families to ensure skills are carried over in the home.

Emma, M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a New York State licensed and ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) certified Speech-Language Pathologist. She holds her certificate as a Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD). Emma earned a Master of Science in Communicative Sciences and Disorders from New York University. Throughout her career, she has worked in a variety of settings including schools, clinics, and hospitals.
Emma is DTTC (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing) trained and working towards her certification in the application of PROMPT for children with apraxia of speech and speech sound disorders. Emma is trained in the Natural Language Acquisition for gestalt language processors. She has experience working with adult and pediatric populations in the areas of expressive and receptive language delays and disorders, pragmatic language deficits, literacy difficulties, stuttering, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Down Syndrome, ADHD, aphasia, cognitive communication disorders, and dysphagia. Her special interests include expanding language skills through play-based activities for early learners. Emma believes that therapy should be functional and individualized. She aims to work as a team with her clients and their caregivers to identify creative solutions for their care.

Debbie M.A. CCC-SLP, TSSLD, is a bilingual speech-language pathologist based in New York City. Debbie received her Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders from Queens College, CUNY. She received a merit based scholarship, and soon after received her Master’s degree from Long Island University. She holds a New York State TSSLD license (Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities).
Her graduate internships were at a child learning center, Speech in the City, and at a school for children aged 5 to 21 with multiple disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury, and orthopedic disorders. Throughout her graduate internships, Debbie was supervised by Rebecca and trained under her clinical expertise. She participated in many clinical evaluations for AAC, articulation, oral facial myology, and language, and has helped children receive insurance coverage for their AAC devices. Additionally, Debbie has treated children with Cortical Visual Impairment. During her clinical fellowship, Debbie is looking forward to growing as a clinician in all areas and becoming PROMPT certified.
Some of her interests include going to the beach, trying new food, and graphic design. Follow her on Instagram, where she posts all her fun and engaging therapy ideas @speechwithdebbie!

Ariela M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD, BE, is a bilingual speech-language pathologist who is passionate about providing speech services to linguistically and culturally diverse children. Ariela received her Bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University, where she completed a Major in Psychology and a Minor in Spanish. She then obtained her Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. Ariela completed her bilingual extension in Spanish and participated in Dr. Catherine Crowley’s lab, where she assisted her in making diagnostic resources for Spanish-speaking children. During her graduate externships, Ariela worked in clinics, schools, and outpatient centers. She has worked with a range of ages, from Early Intervention until High School. In the mornings, Ariela currently works at a bilingual elementary school with students in Pre-K to 5th grade. She treats students with delays in receptive and expressive language, fluency, literacy, social pragmatics and articulation and phonology. Ariela likes to use a play-based approach that builds on each child’s interests to create a motivating therapy experience. Throughout the therapy process, Ariela collaborates with families and related professionals in order to support student progress. During her free time, Ariela likes to try new restaurants, take long walks in Central Park, and spend time with her new puppy.

Elizabeth M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a New York State certified speech-language pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) granted by the American Speech-Language- Hearing Association (ASHA). She is licensed from the New York State Office of the Professions and holds a Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) certificate from the New York State Education Department, as well as a Speech-Language Pathology Certificate from The New York State Department of Health. Elizabeth obtained a Master’s Degree from New York University in Communication Sciences & Disorders and a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Language Pathology & Audiology with a Special Education Minor from Loyola University Maryland.
Elizabeth has experience conducting comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and providing group and individualized therapy to pediatric and adult clients with impairments in articulation, phonology, expressive and receptive language, cognition, and social pragmatics. Elizabeth currently works within District 75 of the New York City Department of Education (DOE), which is made up of specialized schools designed to teach and help students with disabilities. During her time within the NYC DOE, Elizabeth has worked with students from Pre-K through 8th grade and has valuable experience working with students who have hearing impairments, speech and language impairments, emotional disturbance, and an autism diagnosis with a wide range of skills and communicative abilities, including the use of augmentative and alternative communication systems.
Elizabeth is particularly interested in motor speech disorders and is PROMPT trained. Elizabeth uses a play-based approach to create an engaging and collaborative learning environment that focuses on children’s individual needs and interests.

Rachel M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a New York State certified speech-language pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) granted by the American Speech- Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). She holds a New York State Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). Rachel obtained a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology from MGH Institute of Health Professions and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences & Disorders with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies from Pennsylvania State University.
Rachel has experience working with children with complex communication needs (CCN), ranging from Early Intervention to young adults. She has an interest in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and she completed a master’s thesis with an emphasis on providing training for graduate SLP students to implement literacy instruction for individuals with CCN who use AAC to communicate.
She currently works at a private school with students with expressive/receptive language disorders, speech sound disorders, dysarthria, apraxia of speech, cerebral palsy, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Rachel is PROMPT trained and DTTC trained. She is trained in methods of supporting language development for children with Gestalt Language Processing. She enjoys taking continuing education courses to further her knowledge on speech sound disorders, dysphagia, AAC, executive functioning, and sensory integration. Rachel implements a play-based approach in her treatment sessions and enjoys collaborating with families to further support them through their speech journey as a team!

Shannon M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a New York State licensed speech-language pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) granted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). She holds a New York State Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). She obtained a Master of Science in Communicative Sciences and Disorders from New York University
and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Lafayette College. Shannon has experience with a wide variety of communication impairments ranging from articulation and phonological disorders, receptive and expressive language delays, pragmatic language difficulties, and auditory processing disorders. She also has extensive experience working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities. Shannon is trained in PROMPT (PROMPTs for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) and DTTC (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing), and has experience with DIR Floortime.
As a school-based SLP, she has training in structured literacy programs and interventions such as Wilson Language: Fundations, Heggerty, S.P.I.R.E, and Sounds Sensible for struggling readers and students with dyslexia. Shannon believes in a team approach to therapy and encourages collaboration with parents, teachers, and other therapists to provide the most encouraging and successful environment for her clients. She incorporates a play-based approach to learning that focuses on children’s individual needs and interests to keep therapy meaningful and engaging!

Copelyn M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD is a licensed speech-language pathologist in New York State, holding the Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the New York State Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). She earned a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from James Madison University. Copelyn has extensive experience in treating a broad range of communication disorders, including articulation and phonological disorders, receptive and expressive language delays, pragmatic language difficulties, and auditory processing disorders. She has a strong background in supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities, and has worked across a variety of age groups. Copelyn also works at a K-12 private school for children with communication differences, where she applies her training in Gestalt Language Processing, PROMPT (PROMPTs for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets), and DTTC (Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing). Copelyn is a strong advocate for collaboration and believes a team-based approach to therapy is important for creating a supportive, effective environment for her clients that allows for generalization and carryover. She emphasizes a child-led, play-based approach that tailors sessions to each child’s unique needs and interests, ensuring therapy is engaging, neurodiversity affirming, and impactful.

Dani M.A. CCC-SLP, TSSLD, is a New York State certified speech-language pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) granted by the American Speech- Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). She holds a New York State Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). Dani obtained a Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology from Lehman College and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences & Disorders from Queens College.
Dani works in the Department of Education in a D75 setting with middle school aged students. Her work consists of treating students with delays in receptive and expressive language, fluency, literacy, social pragmatics and articulation and phonology. Dani also works with students on their vocational skills and has a passion for AAC (augmentative alternative communication). Whether she is helping students communicate using low tech or high tech acc, she strives to help students express their wants and needs. Prior to working in D75, Dani worked in the general education setting in the Department of Education for three years. She worked with elementary aged students on language, articulation, fluency and literacy. Dani continues to use her skill set from the general education setting in the D75.

Vanessa M.S. CCC-SLP, TSSLD, is a New York State certified speech-language pathologist with a Certificate of Clinical Competency (CCC) granted by the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). She holds a New York State Certificate for Teaching Students with Speech-Language Disabilities (TSSLD). Vanessa earned a Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology and a Bachelor of Arts in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences with a Minor in Special Education from Loyola University Maryland.
Vanessa currently works at the Manhattan Children’s Center (MCC), a nonprofit school supporting children with autism and related neurodiversities, providing individualized and group speech-language therapy. Vanessa has experience with various Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems, such as Proloquo2Go, TouchChat, and LAMP-WFL, to support the specific needs of each of her students. Her clinical experience extends to externship placements in diverse settings including, public schools, hospitals, and private clinical environments. At Cooper University Hospital, she gained hands-on experience in both inpatient and outpatient pediatric rehabilitation, conducting bedside evaluations in the NICU and assisting in instrumental swallowing assessments. Her passion is working with early language learners and preschoolers, making communication fun, and engaging while giving kids the tools they need to express themselves.

Sophia M.S. CF-SLP, TSSLD, is a Speech-Language Pathologist that is currently completing her clinical fellowship. She has a passion for supporting students with diverse communication needs. She holds her certificate as a Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD). After graduating with her Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sophia earned her Master of Science in Communicative Sciences and Disorders from New York University. Currently, Sophia works as an SLP for the New York City Department of Education (DOE), where she provides individualized therapy to K-8 students with diverse speech and language disorders. Sophia has experience working with students who have specific reading and language impairments, auditory comprehension deficits, decoding skills, articulation and fluency disorders, comprehension difficulties, expressive-receptive language disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism spectrum disorders. In addition to working in the NYC DOE, Sophia is a Class Leader at Look Who’s Talking, a program where she leads development classes in speech and language for infants and toddlers (6-24 months) using music and interactive activities.
Sophia’s clinical experience also includes an externship at the Rebecca School, a therapeutic school dedicated to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Sophia worked on language and speech development for children ages 4-8, using the DIRFloortime® model to provide both individualized and group therapy sessions. She has experience using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems like TouchChat and Proloquo2Go, to aid children with communication needs. In addition to being trained in DIRFloortime®, she attended the DIRFloortime® 2024 NYC conference to further expand her knowledge. She is dedicated to incorporating evidence-based practices and a child-centered approach that emphasizes engagement, social interaction and functional communication skills. Sophia creates personalized plans for each child by collaborating with families, educators and teams and is driven by her passion for fostering communication and providing a supportive, nurturing environment.
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